Tribute to the victims of
terrorist attacks worldwide
Comments: 12809
Mariela Baeva
Mariela Baeva
Member of the European Parliament for Bulgaria
2007 - 2009
(first direct EP elections in Bulgaria);

LEED to OECD partner (Nanotech)

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The Global Tantrum 
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Young people in partnership with @Theirworld demanded action on the #GlobalEducationCrisis and world leaders have listened. #IFFEd will unlock billions for children globally and help deliver a world where every child has a place in school. #LetMeLearn

Theirworld, Your Walk: Thank you! –

Nous venons de signer cette lettre ouverte pour demander aux chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement de faire de l’école gratuite pour tous les enfants un droit humain universel.

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Ten years on from Chibok, what happened to the 276 Nigerian girls snatched from their school? by The Guardian

When her Boko Haram captors told Margret Yama she would be going home, she thought it was a trick. She and the other girls kidnapped from their school in Chibok, in north-east Nigeria’s Borno state, had been held for three years and had been taunted before about the possibility of release. Keep reading –

Rapunzel reimagined: the women retelling fairytales to challenge notions of perfection by The Guardian

When disabled people don’t see themselves in the world, it tells us that we don’t deserve to exist, that these stories are not for us, that stories of love and friendship are not for us, and certainly not happy endings,” says Nidhi Ashok Goyal, the founder of Rising Flame.

And They Lived … Ever After is a new book produced by the Indian feminist disability rights group, which collects together retellings of classic European fairytales – including Snow White, Cinderella and Rapunzel – written by south Asian women with disabilities.

Roger Federer supports the Act For Early Years campaign

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As Gaza is bombed and starved, the Arab world is watching – and it’s angry by Nesrine Malik (The Guardian)

A few years after the end of Lebanon’s civil war, when the country seemed like one that had buried its past of conflict for ever, I heard an interview on the BBC with a Lebanese woman from Beirut that has stayed with me for 30 years. She was asked if the country, then a flourishing cultural hub that seemed to take over the Arab airwaves and satellite TV almost overnight, had healed the deep divisions that fuelled the war. “They are buried,” she said. “But if you squeeze me very tight, it’s all still there, deep inside me.” Continue reading:

Survivors tell of the devastating impact of the US-led invasion 20 years on by Emma Graham-Harrison and Salim Habib

‘The US army destroyed our lives’: five Iraqis on the war that changed the Middle East

Twenty years ago today the US and the UK invaded Iraq in a disastrous military mission based on flawed intelligence, months of lying to the world, and a casual disregard for international law.

The invasion would lead to hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths, decades of civil war and vicious sectarian violence in Iraq, and the rise of the Islamic State militant group. Incubated in a US prison camp, IS was directed and staffed in part by former members and officers of the Saddam-era Ba’ath party.

In a pattern that would be repeated again and again over the following two decades of the “war on terror”, the US and its allies, including the United Kingdom, assumed that overwhelming technical and military superiority was all they needed to control a distant nation and its people.

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Europe Books is presents ”Masks”: let’s meet the author who has a lot to tell us about her book!

MASKS, a new release

Having lost Ina to cancer, Villi confronts memories linked to their life before and after Bulgaria’s transition to democracy in the 1990s.
Will he overcome the fact that their son is addicted to drugs?
El, their daughter, is overwhelmed with emotion in the face of the tragedy in the family. What is her and her family’s role in moving forward?
The accelerating deterioration of Bulgaria-Türkiye relations in the Eighties and the resistance of the ethnic Türks in Bulgaria deliver a blow to national security and the political system. How does this subline interact with the main story line?
The author creates insight into the minds of her characters and endeavours to balance shifting perspectives, dramatic irony, suspense and action.

Mariela was born in Sofia, Bulgaria. She graduated in English and Bulgarian philology and EU Law, International Finance and Relations. She has lived, worked and done research in Luxembourg, Belgium and Greece. She has been named in the first Global Diversity list of The Economist for her work in the sphere of human rights and social inclusion and has contributed to The Parliament magazine. She is a former member of the European Parliament and member of Pen International Women Writers’ Committee.
She is active in swimming and jogging and takes part in global initiatives to raise funds. One of them is Theirworld, Your Walk, an initiative to raise funds to help every child have a safe place to learn.

“ANIMAL FARM” Revisit Ignored

A story of modern times

The story as follows is not about preaching morality in politics. It is about times when the interpretation and distortion of facts become essential political strategies.

“The Major, a boar on the Farm, gathers the animals in a meeting. In his speech he refers to the humans as parasites and proclaims new rules.

When he dies a few days later, two young pigs take control of the group and try to turn his dreams into a reality.

After a while, they start a struggle for leadership. When one announces his ideas, the other opposes them. The confrontation results in one of the pigs being forced to leave the farm.

Using a new pig as a mouthpiece of the group, the fake leader announces the ideas of the expelled pig as if they are his own.

In the course of time the leader abuses his powers; he wants more and more privileges; the mouthpiece justifies every statement the leader makes; an anthem glorifies him, seemingly starting to have the lifestyle of a man. The animals, though starving and exhausted, believe they live better. The mouthpiece invents numbers to demonstrate their improved standard of living.

In the meanwhile, an attack on the farm brings great losses to the animals. They win the battle, but exchange one of the wounded for money to buy spirits.

Time passes, and the pigs get sophisticated, wearing clothes and carrying whips. The leader announces an alliance with the humans.

The animals on the Farm realize that the faces of the pigs start to resemble the faces of humans and no one can tell the difference between them.”

Any similarities with reality is a sheer coincidence.

Mariela Baeva

Animal farm revisited ignored | New Europe




*People have the right to defend their civilisational identity. Throughout history the European Union has pursued its own path to make it happen. So have other nations and countries.


*Differences have persisted. Yet, they are not to set nations and countries apart.


*Diversity and the commitment to inclusion are vital to human civilisation. Values, per se, capture the complex nature of any society. Complementarity in their exchange and/or integration may prove to be an achievement of humanity.


*The EU’s understanding of these peculiarities may help transport into the future the idea of free expression of national identity, components of which are culture, religion, moral and ethical standards… They open the way to a holistic view of human development in any part of the world. This approach is worthy of respect, right?



Global inequality ‘as marked as it was at peak of western imperialism’ by The Guardian

Global inequality is as marked as it was in the early 20th century pinnacle of western imperialism after the capture by the super-rich of an increasing share of the world’s income, a new report has shown.

A study by a group of economists including Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez said 30 years of the globalisation of trade and finance had widened the gap between rich and poor. Guardian

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