Tribute to the victims of
terrorist attacks worldwide
Comments: 12809
Mariela Baeva
Mariela Baeva
Member of the European Parliament for Bulgaria
2007 - 2009
(first direct EP elections in Bulgaria);

LEED to OECD partner (Nanotech)

News of the Day

The Global Tantrum 
 Act for Early Years logo

Young people in partnership with @Theirworld demanded action on the #GlobalEducationCrisis and world leaders have listened. #IFFEd will unlock billions for children globally and help deliver a world where every child has a place in school. #LetMeLearn

Theirworld, Your Walk: Thank you! –

Nous venons de signer cette lettre ouverte pour demander aux chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement de faire de l’école gratuite pour tous les enfants un droit humain universel.

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                                                            Video  of   Race to Freedom  Project

                                     Chibok diaries: Chronicling a Boko Haram kidnapping (BBC)
Photo of Naomi Adamu and the quote: "I write it [for] remembrance."

Zannah Mustapha has helped to transform the lives of children affected by Boko Haram in Nigeria. He founded two schools that offer free education, meals and healthcare to orphans – and even the children of Boko Haram fighters. The lawyer also played a key role in negotiations to free more than 100 kidnapped Chibok schoolgirls. Now his inspiring work has won the UN’s 2017 Nansen Refugee Award. Take a bow, sir. (credit:

The children who fled Boko Haram (BBC)

20 years on: children in conflict zones are still being killed, maimed, recruited and abused                                                                                 

20 years on: children in conflict zones are still being killed, maimed, recruited and abused (

10th anniversary of the Paris Commitments to end the use of children in conflict.

A global petition to support the human rights of the Rohingya women and children. Mariela Baeva

Top-50-global-personalities-with-an-outstanding-commitment-to-diversity –


You spoke. They promised. Send Yalla’s message to world leaders:

One year on: what’s happened and what remains to be done.

Syrian refugee children in and out of school (data from

At the end of 2016, there were 1.6 million registered Syrian refugees of school age in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan.

  • TURKEY: 491,896 in school, 380,000 out of school, 871,896 total (ages 6-18)
  • LEBANON: 200,000 in school, 277,034 out of school, 477,034 total (ages 3-17)
  • JORDAN: 170,000 in school, 91,000 out of school, 261,000 total

Will you join me in signing the petition to make sure it’s a brighter future?

Good newseu-project-to-help-230k-refugees-go-to-turkey-schools (credit: theirworld. org)

The European Union approved a range of new projects worth more than $310 million to support refugees and their overstretched host communities. It includes more than $100 million of help for education in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan (June’17).

Add your name. Support the campaigns: – 08.03.17

A child in Yemen. Click to read more about how schools can be made safer for children, even in unstable and conflict-affected countriesMore than 80 of the students kidnapped in Boko Haram’s war on education were released to the Nigerian government. The president has promised to “spare no effort” to find those girls who are still missing (credit: theirworld. org).


In the Hug of Arms Anthology



The Vienna Review – a journal of news, culture, lifestyle and opinion covering the life of Vienna, Austria and the wider Central European region – has published information about In the Hug of Arms Anthology in the World of Books:

P1030640In Vienna In the Hug of Arms Anthology has been sold by Shakespeare & Company Booksellers, Sterngasse 2, 1010 Vienna; Phone +43 1 535 5053; Fax +43 1 535 5053 16;

– PEN Austria, “Time To Say “No” campaign and Mariela Baeva, a speaker in

the global initiative.

Right to education is a universal human right. It is also a guarantee for the prosperity of the society. Pen Club Austria and PEN Kenya have launched an international campaign in support for MalalaTime to Say: No Video (recorded by Michel Plumley, EP Communication Department) and text are posted in Highlights, and the sections as follows: Human Rights, Our Europe & The World and Sharing Common Values

The campaign relay has been passed to PEN Brazil: HORA DE DIZER: NÃO!

Fundraising campaign:

2014 Nobel Peace Prize laureates

Nobel Peace Prize ceremony, December 10, 2014 (photos made by Mariela Baeva as an invited guest)

Malala at U.N.: Taliban failed to silence us – (July 12, 2013)

Winner of the Sakharov Prize 2013

Numerous global organisations have called for support for Malala’s case. Namely PEN and its activist Mariela Baeva, former MEP, who has highlighted this case to us are fighting for the message behind Malala’s struggle – saying “no” to any regime that deprives a young person from the value of education.

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2012 EU Nobel Peace Prize

EU Nobel prize

The European Union has been awarded the 2012 Nobel peace prize ‘for its historic role in uniting the continent’

Europe, from war to peace

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