Tribute to the victims of
terrorist attacks worldwide
Comments: 12802
Mariela Baeva
Mariela Baeva
Member of the European Parliament for Bulgaria
2007 - 2009
(first direct EP elections in Bulgaria);

LEED to OECD partner (Nanotech)

News of the Day

The Global Tantrum 
 Act for Early Years logo

Young people in partnership with @Theirworld demanded action on the #GlobalEducationCrisis and world leaders have listened. #IFFEd will unlock billions for children globally and help deliver a world where every child has a place in school. #LetMeLearn

Theirworld, Your Walk: Thank you! –

Nous venons de signer cette lettre ouverte pour demander aux chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement de faire de l’école gratuite pour tous les enfants un droit humain universel.

The fourth tragic anniversary of the Syria crisis

European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides expressed his great sadness for the fourth tragic anniversary of the Syria crisis.  He noted that Europe cares and stands in solidarity with the people of Syria. Rbb journalist Jörg Armbruster says “Syria can be described in one word: catastrophe.” The utmost responsibility falls upon the UN Security Council, Benjamin Barthes concludes, since its divisions on the political aspects of the conflict have allowed Damas to manipulate the humanitarian aspects. UNHCR has written a letter to the European Commission in which it proposes a number of changes in the way Europe handles Syrian refugees, according to Jyllands-Posten. And Robert Ottenhoff, head of the Center for Disaster Philanthropy in the US, explains that war in Syria is too hopeless for donors. In an op-ed piece in Le Monde, Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides writes that the EU, which is one of the main donors to humanitarian aid in the Syrian crisis with €3.35 billion, continues to support both the refugees and Syria’s neighbouring countries which welcome them. Yet, Mr Stylianides adds, it is not sufficient to meet the increasing humanitarian needs of the populations, and the international community must reinforce its support so as to manage the crisis in the long term.


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