Tribute to the victims of
terrorist attacks worldwide
Comments: 12801
Mariela Baeva
Mariela Baeva
Member of the European Parliament for Bulgaria
2007 - 2009
(first direct EP elections in Bulgaria);

LEED to OECD partner (Nanotech)

News of the Day

The Global Tantrum 
 Act for Early Years logo

Young people in partnership with @Theirworld demanded action on the #GlobalEducationCrisis and world leaders have listened. #IFFEd will unlock billions for children globally and help deliver a world where every child has a place in school. #LetMeLearn

Theirworld, Your Walk: Thank you! –

Nous venons de signer cette lettre ouverte pour demander aux chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement de faire de l’école gratuite pour tous les enfants un droit humain universel.

10,000 children killed and maimed, hundreds of schools attacked in rising tide of violence by Billy Briggs*

A UN report has revealed a shocking increase in child casualties, schools targeted and recruitment of child soldiers in conflict-hit countries.

Unspeakable violence against children has been revealed in a new report from the United Nations which says more than 10,000 were killed or maimed last year.

Hundreds of new attacks on schools by armed factions around the world showed a “blatant disregard” by armed groups for both international law and children’s lives.

Disturbing new trends identified included the increasing use of children as suicide bombers and large-scale abductions of children.

The crises unfolding in Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Myanmar, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen has meant rising violence against school children. In DRC, fighting in Kasai led to an eightfold increase of attacks – 515 in total – on schools and hospitals.

The report is from Virginia Gamba, UN Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict(CAAC), who said: “When your own house or your school can be attacked without qualms, when traditional safe havens become targets, how can boys and girls escape the brutality of war?”

Theirworld and others have been campaigning for schools to be safe places for children to learn and be with their peers. More than 70 countries have signed up to the Safe Schools Declaration – a commitment to protect education and stop military use of schools.

But only two of the world’s most powerful countries – the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council – have done so. France and the United Kingdom have shown the way and we’re calling on China, Russia and the United States to follow their lead.

The CAAC report showed that children in Syria suffered the highest number of verified violations recorded in the country, while in Nigeria almost half of the 881 child casualties resulted from suicide attacks, including the use of children as human bombs.

In South Sudan, violence against children continued unabated with 1221 children recruited as soldiers.

Rape and other forms of sexual violence against children remained disturbingly high with over 900 verified cases against boys and girls.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres said: “The United Nations has verified more than 21,000 violations committed against children in 2017 and reliable reports of more than 10,000 children killed or maimed in armed conflict last year.

“I am outraged at this number, a significant increase compared to previous years.

“Children are also affected by other verified violations, including the recruitment and use of children by armed forces and armed groups, sexual violence and attacks on schools and hospitals.

“Boys and girls have once again been overly impacted by protracted and new violent crises. Despite some progress, the level of violations remains unacceptable.”


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